Of course the above picture is NOT from the Lynden social. Great article from the Lynden Tribune
LYNDEN —Through a “Neighborly” grant from the Whatcom Community Foundation, the Lynden Community Center will be hosting an opportunity for newcomers to Lynden and longtime local residents to become better acquainted with each other.
An evening of structured activities combined with a community dinner will include fun, participatory mixer-type games to stimulate conversations and getting acquainted. Each course of the dinner will be accompanied by an interactive (but non-intimidating) topic of sharing.
This get-to-know-your-neighbors event will be on Thursday, Aug. 9, starting at 6 p.m.
“Newcomers anywhere can have a hard time getting acquainted, but in a small, close-knit community like Lynden, it can be very difficult to truly feel connected,” said community center director Cathi LeCocq. “It is the integration of new experiences with traditional values that makes a place vibrant, and this shared sense of community doesn’t happen without interaction. The Neighbor Dinner will provide a welcoming environment for these connections to take root and grow.”
The event is free, but participation is limited to 100 persons, representing both relative newcomers to the area and longtime residents. It is intended for adults of all ages who want to participate in structured interactive conversations and make new acquaintances.
For more information or to sign up, call the Lynden Community Center at 360-354-4501 and ask for Cathi. Preregistration for the event is required.
Another great way to meet people and get involved is to participate in organizational activities. At the event, there will also be space for different community organizations such as churches, service clubs and youth organizations to display information on the activities they offer. If you represent such an organization and would like to sign up for a display space, also talk to Cathi at the center.
Of course, AGAIN, this is not a picture of ANY event in Lynden. Humor is a great way to get us together and out of our shell!
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